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Cervical screening standards

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Cervical screening is available to women and anyone with a cervix in Scotland between the ages of 25 and 64.

Cervical screening reduces the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. The screening process picks up changes in cervical cells at an early stage. The patient is then monitored or treated.

Without treatment, cells can sometimes develop into cervical cancer.

These standards apply to territorial NHS boards where cervical screening is provided. There are elements of the standards that will also apply to other special health boards where appropriate

Summary of standards

  • Standard 1: NHS boards demonstrate leadership and effective governance in the delivery of the cervical screening programme.
  • Standard 2: NHS boards ensure that all eligible individuals receive information and support about cervical screening to enable informed choice and decision-making.
  • Standard 3: NHS boards participate in the national call-recall system to ensure cervical screening is offered to all eligible individuals.
  • Standard 4: The number of eligible individuals participating in cervical screening is maximised within the principles of informed choice.
  • Standard 5: NHS boards provide accessible cervical screening that is safe, effective and person centred.
  • Standard 6: Screening laboratories provide molecular virology, cervical cytology, related histology and administrative services to support and deliver cervical screening to standards as prescribed by external regulatory bodies. Non-screening laboratories support screening laboratories by providing a subset of these services.
  • Standard 7: NHS boards ensure high quality, safe and effective colposcopy services are available for all eligible individuals.