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All NHS boards in Scotland have an Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee (ADTC).

ADTCs give professional and clinical advice and leadership to NHS boards. This supports safe, clinically effective, cost effective and patient-centered use of medicines.

They also consider national and local guidance.

ADTC Collaborative

The ADTC Collaborative for Scotland is hosted by us.

It works to support:

  • stronger clinical engagement with ADTCs
  • shared learning between and with ADTCs
  • collaboration between and with ADTCs

The collaborative approach is encouraged in:

  • the safer use of medicines
  • the development of national consensus statements for specific medicines
  • encouraging and supporting patient and public involvement in ADTCs
  • promoting transparency and clarity in decisions made

Contact information

Email the team

Key resources

ResourceSourceWhat it is and what is is for
NHS Scotland
What it is and what is is for
Details of current pre-labelled medicines
What it is and what is is for
Information for healthcare professionals involved in the prescribing, dispensing or monitoring of steroid therapy
NHS Scotland National Procurement
What it is and what is is for
Guidance documents which explain the process for proposal, review, implementation and on‐going management of pre‐HTA FOC schemes
What it is and what is is for
Template for ADTCs to produce a policy statement for NHS board committees and individuals involved in medicines governance
What it is and what is is for
Patient leaflet to help health professionals explain the Peer Approved Clinical System (PACS) tier two process