Gender identity healthcare services standards

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We have developed standards to support gender identity healthcare services in Scotland. The standards draw on current evidence, best practice and stakeholder recommendations.

The consultation feedback report is available for download below. The consultation responses log is available on request from

Overview of standards

Standard 1: People are supported to make informed and shared decisions about their care. 

Standard 2: Organisations actively work to reduce inequalities in accessing and delivering gender identity services.

Standard 3: Organisations demonstrate effective and collaborative leadership, governance and partnership working in the planning, management and delivery of gender identity healthcare.

Standard 4: Staff have the training and skills to deliver person-centred, high-quality care and support for people accessing gender identity healthcare.

Standard 5: People have timely, equitable, consistent and person-centred access to gender identity healthcare.

Standard 6: People have a holistic, effective and person-centred assessment and care plan.

Standard 7: NHS boards ensure referral and timely access to gender identity services.

Standard 8: People have access to safe, high-quality specialist gender identity healthcare.

Standard 9: People have timely, equitable, consistent and person-centred access to mental health and wellbeing support.

Standard 10: Young people have timely access to safe, high-quality and person-centred gender identity services which understand, respect and uphold their rights.

Gender identity healthcare standards self assessment tool

To support the standards, we have published a self-assessment tool.

This tool supports organisations who manage and implement gender identity healthcare services to:

  • measure services against the standards
  • create an improvement plan

If you have any queries, contact the Standards team at